Local dip and azimuth at each seismic sample
Product overview
The dip-steering plugin allows you to create and use “steering cubes”. A steering cube contains at every sample position the local dip and azimuth of the seismic events. The cube is used for:
- Structurally oriented filtering (e.g. dip-steered median filter)
- Improving multi-trace attributes by extracting attribute input along reflectors (e.g. dip-steered similarity)
- Calculating some unique attributes (e.g. Dip & Azimuth, 3D-curvature, and Dip-Variance)
- Auto-tracking horizons either single horizons or in a dense set as is done in the HorizonCube

Product description
Dip-steering is one of the most popular and most widely used plugins in the suite of OpendTect software tools. In service work it is frequently used as the first step after data loading. Generating a steering cube early on can be used to enhance the input seismic data e.g. by removing random noise with a dip-steered median filter, or by drastically sharpening faults with a dip-steered fault enhancement filter. Such steps improve all subsequent work like horizon tracking and attribute analysis.
The Dip-Steering plugin is a required plugin for creating (data-driven) HorizonCubes.
“Many software offer coherency and curvature attributes, but those obtained through OpendTect’s dip-steering are really something different.”
–Guilherme Fernandes Vazques, Senior Geophysicist, Petrobras