OpendTect ARK CLS Workstation Access Plugin V4.0


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Running the Workstation Access
1. Introduction.
2. Workstation access definition file (WorkStationLink)
3. Import seismic data
1. SeisWorks R5000 - 3D Seismic access definition window
1.1. Input Seismic Cubes Selection dialog
1.2. Volume Sub-selection
1.3. Format / Scaling
2. SeisWorks R5000 - 2D Seismic access definition window
2.1. Input Seismic Line Class Selection dialog
2.2. Line Set and Attribute selection dialog
2.3. OpendTect 2D Data Organisation
3. GeoFrame IESX - 3D Seismic access definition window
4. GeoFrame IESX - 2D Seismic access definition window
4. Export seismic data
1. SeisWorks R5000 - 3D Seismic access definition window
1.1. Output Seismic Cube selection dialog
2. SeisWorks R5000 - 2D Seismic access definition window
2.1. Output Seismic Line Class selection dialog
3. GeoFrame - 3D Seismic access definition window
4. GeoFrame - 2D Seismic access definition window
5. Import Horizons
1. SeisWorks R5000 - 3D Horizon access definition window
1.1. Input Horizons Selection dialog
2. SeisWorks R5000 - 2D Horizon access definition window
2.1. Input Horizons Selection dialog
3. GeoFrame - 3D Horizon access definition window
4. GeoFrame - 2D Horizon access definition window
6. Export Horizons
1. SeisWorks R5000 - 3D Horizon I/O window
1.1. Output Horizon selection dialog
2. SeisWorks R5000 - 2D Horizon I/O window
2.1. Output Horizon selection dialog
3. GeoFrame IESX - 3D Horizon I/O window
4. GeoFrame IESX - 2D Horizon I/O window
7. Import Faults
1. SeisWorks R5000 - Fault I/O window
1.1. R5000 Fault Selection dialog
2. GeoFrame - Fault I/O window
8. Export Faults
1. SeisWorks R5000 - Fault I/O window
1.1. R5000 Output Fault Values
2. GeoFrame IESX - Fault I/O window
9. Import Wells
1. SeisWorks R5000 - Well access definition window
2. GeoFrame - Well access definition window