Chapter 4. User Manual

Table of Contents

1. Interfacing with the SnpQt Application
1.1. SnpQt Main Window
1.1.1. Menubar Area
1.1.2. Toolbar Area
1.1.3. Chart Area
1.1.4. Status Area
1.1.5. Application Diagnostics
2. User interaction with Chart Area
2.1. Direct Interactions
2.1.1. Global Zooming
2.1.2. Data Zooming
2.1.3. Moving Data
2.1.4. Changing Axes
2.2. Chart Controller
2.2.1. Creating a New Chart
2.2.2. Moving Charts
2.2.3. Deleting Charts
2.2.4. Saving and Loading Chart Configurations
2.2.5. Changing the Number of Columns
2.2.6. Zooming In and Zooming Out
2.3. Display Options
2.3.1. Chart
2.3.2. Management of Data Items
2.3.3. Editing Palettes
3. SNP Processing Controller
3.1. Input Data tab
3.1.2. Load Tab
3.2. Wavelet tab
3.3. Velocity Tab
3.4. Well Data tab
3.5. Uncertainty tab
3.5.1. Calibration Uncertainty
3.5.2. Amplitude Uncertainty
3.6. Output Data tab
3.6.1. Output Data Selection
3.7. Parameters Tab
3.8. Selection Dialogs
3.8.1. Select Input Seismic Volumes
3.8.2. Select Input Horizon Attributes
3.8.3. Select Output Horizon Attributes